We invite you to join us in the environmental performance which Green initiative will perform together with artists from Cirkusfera on Friday, September 21 in Knez Mihailova Street (near restaurant “Ruski car”) at 5 pm, within the Street Festival  ofactivism “Vreva”.

With this wnvironmental performance of Green initiative will recall visitors, who will be also invited to  participate in the show, that the waste is not rubbish but important secondary material and that anyone can easily sort waste and recycle.

Visitors will get from Green initiative bags for waste separation which are made within environmental campaign  “Pazi đubre!”  and aslo conatin website address of a Recycling Address Book, with information about places where citizens can deliver waste for recycling.

Participating in the festival “Vreva”, Green Initiative continues campaign “Pazi đubre!”  oriented towards raising public awareness on importance of recycling and pripary waste selection, and offers solutions to citizens how they can recycle their waste.

Environmental performance of Green initiative and Cirkusfera will be followed by an exhibition of photographs by Dragan Kujundzic, with information on the position of individual collectors of waste and their importance in the chain of waste management.

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